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We’re trashing our earth! If we don’t stop, we can’t stay. If we don’t find enough renewable energy sources, the world will get too polluted. We have different, safer energy, but there’s always a flaw. For example, wind energy is good but it takes up too much space. The non-renewable resources we have are affecting our earth, and people keep making it worse. That’s kind of what started the Dust Bowl. People plowed up too many crops for themselves. It made the dirt loose and started the Dust Bowl. In Easter Island the people cut down all the trees to move their HUGE statues. It ruined the carbon oxygen cycle and the food chain so they all died. People ruin prairies for roads, buildings, and themselves. In 2010 there was a HUGE explosion. Oil spilled everywhere .it harmed costal jobs and killed lots of fish and birds. Soon we will learn about how renewable energy will affect our environment.

                                OIL SPILL

  BOOM! In 2010 there was an was called the explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon. Luckily only 11 out of 126 workers died. The explosion caused 60,000 barrels of oil to leak each day for about 3 months. In that time, the oil got bigger than the state of Delaware. The spill/explosion was because of 6 safety valves that failed. To fix it they tried to put in 6 more valves. But it didn’t work. The oil harmed fish, birds and other animals. A lot of people depended on their costal jobs to live. With the oil, a lot of people couldn’t work. The amount of tourism there dropped. People tried lots of methods to try to clean it up. After spending billions of $ to fix the oil, they fixed it! People were so happy that 1 of the worst oil spills in the world was finally over! 




Do you think fire helps prairies? If you said no, you’re wrong. It helps because it keeps trees and shrubs in the soil. Without fires, there might be another Dust Bowl! The soil might get loose without the plants. The loose soil would blow away start the Dust Bowl all over again!

          Prairies are like has the same animals and plants all over it. The temperature is also the same. In different types of prairies there are different food chains. The food chain maintains the soil so we can have fresh soil and fresh food. The food chain matters so much because when animals break down into the soil it fertilizes it. It also keeps the soil tight.

          If people ruin the prairies and mess up the food chain, the soil won’t be fertile and there could be another Dust Bowl.



                                      FOSSIL FUELS

We need more fossil fuels! There are some problems though. The government complains a lot about how much pollution fossil fuels cause. Some people say that we should stop using fossil fuels completely and some people say that we can’t stop using them. I think we should keep using them, just not as many. We need to start using renewable energy!




                            Prairies By: Taylar

Prairies are huge grasslands with different grasses and animals. Prairies also have an ecosystem with 6 main parts. 1. The sun 2.Producers 3. Primary consumers 4. Secondary consumers 5. Decomposers 6. Non-living substances

The sun with its heat and light provides energy for everything else in the ecosystem.  The sun’s energy flows through everything.  Producers are grasses and other plants. They use energy from the sun- along with water, carbon dioxide gas from the air, and nutrients from the plants to make their own food. Primary consumers in the prairie are the animals that eat the grass and other plants. An example is a jackrabbit that eats grass and clovers. These are also called herbivores; they get their nutrients and energy directly from the plants. Secondary consumers are the meat- eating animals, called carnivores that eat the plant-eating animals. An example is a fox eating the jackrabbit.  Decomposers are fungi and bacteria. Non-living substances are dead animals and plants.


            Fires are good to our prairies because fire it stopes trees and shrubs from growing and the prairie’s grass restores instantly.   Unfortunately we are running out of prairies because we are building roads, buildings, and homes.  






               Some movies that we watched about examples of our ecosystem are “The Lorax”, “Easter Island”, and “Wall-E”.  

                    The Lorax is about a man named the found some trees and made product. He got so greedy that he cut down ALL the trees. It might not sound like a big deal, but guess what? It is a HUGE deal. In the Easter Island video a long time ago cavemen carved these HUGE statues out of the mountain side. They wanted to put them around the perimeter of the island. So they cut down all of the trees to move them. They all died soon after because trees give you oxygen. The trees also had fruit ion them so they messed up their food chain. Wall-e is about people trash there earth so bad that they had to move to space. The robots like wall-e were supposed to clean up the whole entire earth. The only alive wall-e we know (well most of us) saw this red dot and started to chase it. After the rocket landed a white clean robot came out. Wall-e started getting curious and followed Eve. She was looking for a plant so the people in space know they can come back home.   











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